This Signpost provides a brief overview of the Australian horticultural industry including its assets, structure, production and management. Click here for the full article
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Scoping study into climate change and climate variability
This scoping study includes a list of management tools currently available to agriculture for managing climate change and climate variability, on which horticultural industries might capitalize. The study also list how the Australian horticultural industry will be affected by climate change including:- Changes in frost frequency Damage from extreme events Increased, or changing pest and disease incidence Changes [...]
Read MoreAustralian horticulture’s response to climate change and climate variability
The first component of this project has focused on understanding how to improve the management of climate variability from a horticulture perspective, with an emphasis on temperature variability. This project has also sought to commence answering the question – “What are the impacts of climate change on selected horticultural regions and production systems in those regions, and what adaptation strategies [...]
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