
Temperature, variety and CO2 can interact

Posted by : Gordon Rogers | Category : Adaptation | Comments : 0 Comments

baby spinach

Example of interactions in babyleaf spinach

Some recent research on baby-leaf spinach shows a very interesting interaction between CO2, concentration and growing temperature.

Two baby-leaf spinach varieties, Donkey (slow growing) and Racoon (fast growing), were grown at two CO2 concentrations, 400 ppm (ambient) and 640 ppm (high), over three temperature regimes, 22, 26 and 30oC. Both varieties grew best at 22oC and progressively worse at 26 and 30oC.

The higher CO2 concentration had a significant positive impact on growth at the two lower temperatures. In the faster-growing variety – Racoon – the elevated CO2 counteracted the adverse effect of higher temperature on growth at 26oC but was not able to do the same at 30oC.

This type of study shows the critical impact of temperature on the growth of cool-season leafy crops such as spinach and the complicated interactions that occur between variety type and the direct effects of higher CO2 levels.

CO2 temp interaction baby spinachSource : J. Conroy.